What To Do When a Program Won’t Close

There are a number of reasons that a program won’t close properly. One of the main reasons for an unresponsive program is overuse of the central processing unit (CPU) resources or the random access memory (RAM). In most cases, the solution is to open up the Windows Task Manager to end the process.

Sometimes the program just won’t close even with task manager and the only way out seems to be to turn off the computer completely. If you are able to perform a proper shut down, that is great. As long as this isn’t a recurring problem with a particular program, then you have solved the problem. However, sometimes you can’t even perform a proper shut down since the unresponsive program won’t let you shut down. In this case, you may be left with no choice but to perform a “hard shut down”. This just means you pull the actual plug or hold down the power button for a few seconds. However, this isn’t the ideal solution since this method can corrupt your files, programs, as well as your registry. I admit that I have used this “hard shut down” before and sometimes you just don’t have a choice. If this is just a freak incident, then you shouldn’t worry too much about having to perform the hard shut down. However, if this is a recurring problem, you don’t want to keep performing these hard shut downs. Let’s look at a few things to try when a program won’t close, even with task manager. read more

Steps for Turning Off Hyperlinks in MS Word

While writing documents in MS Word, one problem that annoys plenty of people is the automatic hyper-linking of web addresses. This feature is provided by this software to allow easy access to a web link by clicking on it. Although some of users like to have this feature in their documents, there are many who do not. Therefore, if you are annoyed by this automatic hyper-linking in MS Word, then why not disable it. The steps for turning off hyperlinks in MS Word depend on the version of MS Word that you are using. Below you can find step-by-step processes of disabling hyperlinks in MS Word 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013 versions. read more

Mac: How to Turn on File Extensions


In a recent previous post, we talked about turning on file extensions in Windows. It only makes sense that we look at how to do it on a Mac as well.

Hiding file extensions in mac has proven to be more dangerous when compared to other operating systems. When a file extension is hidden in windows OS, the operating system assigns a specific icon automatically that helps to establish the file type even when the extension is hidden. However, for mac, when file extension functionality is deactivated, malicious files may be allocated icons meant to confuse the user. When the user clicks on the icon, the file runs and causes damage. read more

The Best Hybrid Hard Drives

What is a Hybrid Hard Drive?

Do you know what a hybrid hard drive is? It’s simply an electromechanical spinning hard disk which contains several amount of the NAND flash memory. This NAND flash normally acts as a non-volatile cache that enables quicker access to data.

Nowadays, flash based hard drives have become more popular but they do not have the same price per GB that current hybrid hard drives achieve. The cost of a 32 GB non-volatile flash disk is also the same as that of a massive 750 GB hard drive. Therefore, why don’t you take advantage of the combination of these technologies in the meantime? read more

Turning On File Extensions in Windows Is Quite Simple

Computers definitely play a very important role in our lives. In fact, they have become one of those indispensable gadgets without which life would be impossible! Since we rely on computers to a huge extent, it makes sense to have one that operates effectively and quickly. The Operating System (OS) of a computer determines its efficiency, therefore people generally opt for reliable and reputable Operating Systems like Microsoft Windows. Although there are many versions of Microsoft Windows, it is Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 that make a huge impact. read more