How bigger companies play around with your privacy

Internet privacy has become a hot-button issue over the past decade. The Snowden revelations woke people up to the importance of this issue, but while the NSA and CIA get a ton of flack for prying into our lives, the companies we interact every day are just as guilty.

In this post, we’ll expose how corporations have misused data in the pursuit of higher profits, talk about how these practices can hurt you, and what you can do to protect yourself online.

Which companies have taken liberties with customer data? read more

The Benefits Of Cybersecurity Training

Technical know-how and expertise are crucial in cybersecurity, and a single error or a train of cyber security issues can make a business lose millions of dollars. This is not what they will be taking the time and money to invest in, so assured online safety is vital. Training gives your employees the chance to expand their knowledge and gain invaluable cybersecurity skills. However, not all companies train their employees. The sad truth is that a lot of employers only see the negative aspect of providing training such as its high cost or employees missing a workday. Many often tend to outsource this aspect of their business to a cybersecurity consulting company! read more

How To Protect Your Vulnerability On The Internet

Billions of people surf the internet each day for their personal and business needs. They handle their social, professional, and financial affairs over the internet with little regards to their safety. In fact, net security is very important on the internet, and people should try to familiarize themselves with the top cybersecurity facts to make sure they know how to stay protected on the internet. There has been tremendous strides to protect users on the internet, but several users still find themselves vulnerable. More importantly, online thieves are after your personal and financial information. The most identity theft that occurs today is from information that is obtained over the internet. There are thousands of users that have protection on their computer for internet viruses but have little protection over vulnerability. read more

What is a Business IT Network?

Unless you’re an β€˜IT person’ – the idea of talking about business level IT networks might seem a bit intimidating. In reality though, you probably already work with a network, even if it’s just a small one.

IT networks aren’t as complex as they sound, however there may still be some of you who might struggle to understand it, let alone implement one.

Here, we’ll explore what a business IT network, ask when a network becomes essential for a small business – and some questions you can pose for your business that’ll help you decide if an IT network is right for your company. read more

Top 6 High-Tech Gadgets For Gamers

Gaming technology improves every year, and it’s getting hard to track the latest gadgets to satisfy everyone’s gaming needs. Gamers around the world always try to upgrade their systems with the newest technology on the market.

There’s a high-tech gadget for almost every aspect of video gaming. From an ergonomic keyboard to a sweet-sounding gaming mic, there’s such an abundance of devices out there waiting for enthusiasts and fanatics to bring them home. While these gadgets individually might not make you a gaming god overnight, they can definitely help improve your skills. read more