Gamers can’t expect to play to their highest level without a top-level mouse in their hand. After all, your mouse won’t just impact your playing ability; it’ll also influence the number of hours you can play. It’d be difficult to play for hours on end if your mouse isn’t comfortable to use!
There is, of course, no shortage of options on the market. Two of the most popular are the Logitech G502 Hero and Logitech G502 Lightspeed, both of which have received universal acclaim for comfort, performance, and style. With both mice offering an exceptional gaming experience, it can be difficult for would-be buyers to decide which one will be right for them.
But happily, we’re here to help. On this page, you’ll find an in-depth look at both the G502 Hero and Lightspeed, which can help you to make that all-important decision about which one is right for you.
Side-By-Side Comparison
There is a significant overlap between the G502 Hero and Lightspeed. Indeed, it’s best to think of them as being the pretty much the same mouse, just with one major difference: the G502 Hero is a wired mouse; the G502 Lightspeed is wireless. Beyond that, they’re virtually identical in every way that matters, including the design and sensor functionality. We also want to note that the Lightspeed is more expensive than the Hero. So, if you are on a budget, you will need to consider this as well.
If budget is not an issue, your decision will come down to one basic question: do you prefer to have a wired or wireless mouse? Once you know that, the decision should be easy. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the G502 Lightspeed uses a USB receiver for its wireless capabilities (rather than Bluetooth) and also has a wired feature. It’s a two-in-one type of deal.

The wired G502 Hero does have slightly better latency, but not enough to be noticeable. The lightspeed is also a few grams lighter. Honestly, this weight difference is pretty tough to notice. As we said: these two mice are basically the same. They’re both high-performing and feature a wonderfully sleek, modern design. They’re clearly designed with gaming in mind, but they’ll perform just as well for work purposes.
One last thing to note about the G502 Lightspeed is that the battery life is about 48 hours of use give or take with the lights on and 60 hours with the lights off.
What Gamers Say
Both of these Logitech mice have been expertly designed and crafted, so it’s no surprise they’ve been a big hit with gamers. They’re both among the highest-rated gaming mice on the market.
The proof of how little difference there is between the G502 Hero and G502 Lightspeed lies in the feedback from gamers. Both mice have an average score of 4.7/5 (the Lightspeed from 10,200 reviews; the Hero from 52,110 reviews).
Reviewers for both mice typically highlight the quality of the mouse, the sturdiness of the manufacturing, the simple yet comfortable design, and overall high performance as the major plus points of the product. Users of the Hero in particular note the great value of this mouse for the price.
The Final Verdict
So which one do we recommend that gamers purchase? It sounds like a cop-out, but we have to recommend both of them. There’s just so little to differentiate between the two. Take the wired/wireless aspect out of the debate, and what you’re left with are identical mice. Some people have a natural preference for wireless mice; others prefer a wire. If you are someone that prefers wireless mice, then the lightspeed is for you. If you don’t care much about the wireless capability, you might as well save yourself a few bucks and go with the G502 Hero.
Have you tried either of these mice, let us know what you think in the comments! If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy our post about the best budget mice under $30.