You can begin gaming with a standard computer mouse. But at some point, most gamers understand that if they’re going to perform to their highest level, then they’ll need to invest in a gaming mouse. Gaming mice are also great if you work on a computer all day long as they are made to be comfortable and they often come standard with extra buttons which can be useful while working as well. The good news is that there is a wide selection of gaming mice available, and you don’t need to break the bank to get your hands on a mouse that offers outstanding performance.
Two of the best budget-friendly mice are the Logitech G305 and the Razer DeathAdder V2, both of which have been favorably reviewed by both professional reviewers and gamers alike. But which one is right for you? While the mice overlap in some key areas, there are a couple of differences that gamers should keep in mind before making their decision. On this page, you’ll find in-depth insight into both.
Side-By-Side Comparison – Logitech G305 vs Razer DeathAdder

First, let’s focus on the main similarity between the two: they’re both very good mice, and, in truth, most gamers will likely be happy with their purchase no matter which one they opt for. Professional reviewers generally love both of them, with each gaining many 9+/10 reviews from the pros.
The main difference between the two is that the Logitech G305 is a wired mouse, while the Razer DeathAdder V2 is wireless. The general design of each is similar, but the sleek black design of the Razer DeathAdder has the edge over the generic design of the Logitech mouse.
Additionally, these gaming mice are made by different manufacturers. This means a few things. First, if you have a brand preference of Razer vs Logitech, this may make your decisions easier. Both are solid brands though from our perspective. Second, they will come with different software. Logitech comes with the Logitech G hub software while Razer comes with its own software suite. You may want to check these out to see if you have a personal preference as well.
From there, we’re back to similarities. Both mice are of similar size and weight and come with two programmable buttons on the side. In terms of performance, there’s not much to separate the two, though the Logitech G305 mouse does provide slightly better click latency. However, that’s more of a technical difference — most gamers will find that both mice perform equally well. Both mice have a hand-friendly shape that allows gamers to play for many hours without experiencing discomfort.

What Do Gamers Say?
Both mice have proven to be extremely popular with gamers, who typically praise the quality and sturdiness of the build, as well as the overall performance. Many say that the mice exceeded their expectations, especially given the cost.
The Logitech G305 mouse received an average rating of 4.7/5 from nearly 20,500 reviews. The Razer DeathAdder V2 received an average rating of 4.7/5 from nearly 15,000 reviews.
The Final Verdict
So what’s the takeaway here? In terms of pure performance, the vast majority of gamers could pick up either of these mice and be happy with their purchase. While there are better (read: more expensive) mice on the market, both of these mice will more than suffice for casual gamers. The main consideration will be the wired/wireless factor. If you’re a wireless convert who won’t go back to wired mice, then the Logitech G305 will be the logical choice. If you don’t care whether your mouse is wired or wireless, then you base your decision on little more than brand preference, aesthetics, or simply intuition. In this case, you might opt for the Razer DeathAdder V2.
Do you use either of these gaming mice? Let me know what you think in the comments. Also, if you are still undecided, we also just compared the Razer Basilisk v3 vs G502. Check out this guide if you are considering either of these mice.