Category Archives: Web

Don’t Kid Yourself: Internet Privacy Is an Oxymoron

On his blog, marketing leader Seth Godin pointed out that it’s a little late to start worrying about privacy on the Internet; we signed it away the moment we handed our personal information over to the social networking machine. The main thing when it comes to privacy on the Internet is this: Don’t share any more than you want to, because as soon as you’ve shared something, it’s out there. You can’t take it back.

It’s a matter of technology, of legal precedent, and it’s a matter of the way that our culture is evolving. Perhaps most of all, it’s simply a matter of the Internet being incompatible with privacy by its very definition. The Internet can be thought of not so much as a web or a network or a “series of tubes,” but as a single unit where all of our information goes. Anyone can add anything they want, and anyone can take anything they want out of it. If you’re sharing information, just assume that anybody who could possibly want it has access to it. Some companies may offer some degree of privacy in that they won’t sell your information to advertisers, but advertisers have plenty of info on you already. read more

How To Keep Track Of Your Finances Online

Everything about our money is going digital-from our banking systems to our personal accounting software; we can now track purchases, deposit checks, and monitor our account balances online, from top to bottom. Even with all this technology to help us keep our accounting in check, things can still go wrong. If you encounter a tax issue and owe the IRS money due to a mistake or error, you may want to get help from tax-resolution-irs-tax-lien professionals in order to sort out the problem. These situations often require expertise in their handling. read more

Online Banking – Friend or Foe? Here Are the Pros and Cons!

Many people swear by online banking, saying it makes life so much easier for them and they find it far simpler to stay on top of their finances. Yet there are other people who just don’t trust it, and prefer to go to the bank to handle their accounts. Online banking is now available on smartphones, meaning you can transfer money and pay bills while you’re standing in a shopping queue – so you can see why it’s so popular. But with the rise of internet fraud, it’s also easy to understand why some people are still reluctant to put their faith in modern technology. We’ll outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of online banking here – if you are in a quandary and are wondering whether or not to take the plunge, it might help you decide. read more

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Web Host For Your Blog

Just a few years back, there were only a handful of web hosting companies that would provide web hosting. However, now, the hosting scene has changed. Today, there are a ton of web hosting providers on the market, and with such a long list, their offers, gifts, and different features, it has really become confusing to choose your web host. Thankfully, this useful list goes over the best hosting providers on the market but even then, it can be hard to pick the best option. So here are some things you should be looking at before you end up buying a web hosting account. read more

Easy Ways to Exceed the Character Limit on Twitter

Twitter is one of the biggest social networks in the world today. It is a great way to interact with friends, promote a business, or even just post about yourself. When you go to and you try to compose a tweet, you are only allowed to use 140 characters max in your post. It also doesn’t look like Twitter will be dropping this limit anytime soon. They really like the short and to the point messages that usually show up in the feeds. However, what if you need to compose a tweet that goes over that limit? Well, you could try to be creative and say what you need to say in the allotted 140 chars. Where is the fun in that though, especially for those of us who like to get around limits and solve problems. Let’s take a look at how to exceed the 140 character limit on Twitter. read more