Disruptive technology sounds like a bad thing. Something that causes a problem, rather than offers solutions to modern challenges. But disruption can sometimes be a good thing. It can force change onto a static situation that propels us forward. In technological terms, disruption is often a force for good, rather than bad. So how could disruptive technology shake up our lives?
A brief history of Disruptive Technology
The term ‘disruptive technology’ was first coined back in 1997 in a book called ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma’ by Professor Clayton M Christensen. In this context, he used the term to refer to any type of technology that effectively displaced or challenged the conventional methodology of the time. He categorized technology into two types; that which sustains and that which challenges or disrupts. Sustained technology is gradual change driven in increments and harvested from existing technology. It tends to play it safe.