Banking and mobile finance apps have come a long way over the past few years. Most of these applications provide valuable services especially when it comes to tracking expenditures, saving money and managing personal finances. It’s hard to save money when you have to budget your expenses these days. You have bills, rent, car expenses, food, and other bills. Then you have extras like fixing your car windscreen or going out for dinner with a friend. It’s difficult to know where you stand and still put some aside to save for a house, new car, holiday, etc. However, you can save money without sacrificing lifestyle preferences! You just have to weigh it all up and spend less in a different area to spend more in your priority area! More so, these apps can help save as well as track money on the go, providing coupons and comparisons of different products as we shop online. The following is a roundup of the best apps for saving money that work on numerous platforms.