Author Archives: PedroC

Switching your laptop’s DVD drive for a SSD

If you’ve been following this blog, you have probably read our recommendations for computer upgrades that provide the most bang per buck. Of those, you should know that installing an SSD drive is currently the single upgrade that will provide the most significant performance improvements.

The problem being – when it came to upgrading a laptop this would imply having to choose between the higher performance of a SSD and the higher capacity of a conventional HDD.

Well, this article will show you how to easily get around this choice by swapping out your optical DVD drive rather than your HDD, to make room for installing a SSD. Doing so, you’ll effectively get to keep two separate disk drives in your laptop: your current HDD plus a state of the art SSD. This upgrade can be easily done by getting hold of a simple SSD caddy that fits in the place of your DVD drive; the present article will guide you through the procedure as well as helping you evaluate the pros and cons. read more

5 Gadgets That Supply Additional Juice to Your Gadgets

Wouldn’t it be great if all your gadgets would somehow draw power out of thin air? How wonderful, not to be caught up in a mess of cables all the time, and never to have to look at a dark, powerless screen that lacks energy to function.

Well, maybe in the future there will be ways to charge your gadgets thorough ether (in fact they’ve already started to experiment with wireless electricity transfer), but in the meanwhile there are some interesting alternatives which are worth noting. This article will show you five external battery packs of diverse capacity and price range, which you can use to keep your gadgets running for much longer, even when there are no electrical sockets you can plug into. read more

Pico Projectors: Are They Right For You?

In the last couple of years, a new class of video projector has been introduced to the market. Remarkably small and lightweight, this kind of devices are referred to as Pico Projectors, and various models are now available from different manufacturers. Depending on your intended uses, a Pico projector can either be a terrific gadget or an underwhelming toy. Due to this latest technology, these projectors are surprisingly cheap too so take a look at this guide on finding the best projector under 500 uk. In case you’re planning to get one, this article will help you make an informed decision. read more

Should You Set Up Your Office in the Cloud?

The short answer is “you probably should”. In case you’re not up to date on what is the Cloud (and how it can benefit you), this article will point out all the facts. There are many good reasons to keep all your work related files in the Cloud, as well as an potential drawback you should pay attention to.

Understanding the Cloud

“The Cloud” is a recent buzz-word, and even though it gets thrown around a lot, not everyone fully understands what what it means. Truth of the matter it’s not a new technology, really… it’s just the natural evolution of network-based computing. read more

Android-Enable Your TV for Under $100

Have you noticed how the television keeps moving closer to the Internet? With the advent of so-called Smart TV’s, most big screens now include interesting functionalities such as Youtube access, basic Internet browsing and app support. While this is likely to soon become a standard functionality of most TV screens, it may not be enough reason for you to spend almost a thousand dollars getting a new television.

Truth of the matter is that you don’t actually need to buy a new TV to make it smart and get it connected to the Internet. In the past months, a new interesting concept has been released to the market: PC-on-a-stick devices, also known as Android-on-TV gadgets. read more