Author Archives: Dominic

5 Android Apps to Help Monitor Your Home

With the boom of Smartphone ownership in recent years, there has been an increasing number of home security systems that have joined forces with the app and Smartphone world to allow people to control their home’s safety from anywhere, at any time. People want to make sure that their homes are as secure as possible whether they are in or out, so installing alarms from companies like Verisure and having them connect to their smartphones is a huge plus.

If you think about it, this makes a tremendous amount of sense. What better way to monitor a security system or camera than via your Smartphone? read more

EA’s Track Record of Shady Dealings and Its Monopoly on Sports Titles

Being a prominent publisher within the videogame industry promises a great deal of power, responsibility, and influence. Prominence comes at a price however, as every action is scrutinized under a magnifying lens of epic proportions. Publishers are susceptible to immense criticism and disapproval if questionable actions are made. Electronic Arts is one such company that has been framed in a negative light on numerous occasions within the past few years.

Back in 2006, they established themselves as the exclusive supplier of mobile games for all Nokia devices. More recently, controversy surrounding the purchases of multiple small development studios solely for intellectual assets, criticism from labor groups, and EA’s arguably declining game quality have contributed to its designation as an “Evil Empire.” read more

Tablet Development Overview

Many people think of tablets as large smartphones, but the difference is much bigger if you talk to an app developer. While the larger screen is definitely something to contend with, there are other hardware components and layout issues to consider when developing an app for a tablet. These are the major differences that you should consider when making anything for the tablet platform.

Screen Size

Most smartphones have a 4-inch display while tablets have a 7-inch or 10-inch display. This might seem like a small difference, but it’s not. The app developer must enlarge the app to fit the tablet’s screen without distortions. While the app can stretch by itself without any tweaking, this will usually lead to problems such as blurry graphics and slow loading times. read more

Twitter: Whaddya Think of All the New Phones?

This is the year of the big smartphone, with flagship devices now sporting huge five-inch screens and pants makers scrambling to expand the size of their pockets. With most users investing in a new phone every two years, choosing a new one becomes even more important – it can seem overwhelming with so many options out there.

The last thing you want is to purchase a pricey phone that disappoints. Two years is a long time to be stuck with a phone you don’t like, especially for those who use their T-Mobile cell phones and other high tech gadgets constantly. What are the advantages and disadvantages of those we’ve seen? More importantly, what are the users saying once they have their hot new smartphone? Which of the latest smartphones live up to the hype? Are there some that are clear head and shoulders above all the rest? read more

Considering Different Types of Processors

The CPU is simply the most important part in your computer. It is the central unit that processes all the commands sent to it from all the other components of a computer. The power of the processor determines how fast the applications and programs work on your PC. Therefore, if you want to perform a specific task – whether gaming, business applications or for personal use, make sure to choose the right processor and best CPU cooler for your computer system.

When it is about choosing a processor, there are different types of options available on the market. Here, you can explore the features and applications of three main types of processors. read more