Author Archives: Dominic

6 Apps To Help you Find the Cheapest Gas

With gas prices on the rise, it’s more important than ever to spend wisely. Fortunately, there are plenty of apps to help you save money on gas. Depending on what phone you use, different apps are great for different reasons.

Something For Everyone

There are apps that help you find the cheapest gas prices and even apps that track mileage and maintenance for extra savings. And it doesn’t matter what smart phone you use. With apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone available, there’s something out there for everyone. read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

There has been a growing trend in the internet world to use the Content Delivery Network in order to get data through nodes in an effective manner. The CDN, or Content Delivery Network, allows for information to travel in a fast, secure, and reliable manner. The premise of the CDN rests with the strategic placement of servers across various locations, ensuring smoother and faster delivery of data. Here is an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the Content Delivery Network.

Advantages of a Content Delivery Network

1) Increase of Simultaneous Users read more

Turn Off Windows Aero

In case you don’t know, Windows Aero is the new interface and design that Microsoft introduced with the Windows Vista operating system. This new design is also used in Windows 7. The changes made in the Aero interface affected many elements of Windows and how it functions. The main component of Aero is Aero Glass. Aero Glass is what gives Windows its new glassy look and feel.

The Aero user interface definitely makes Windows 7 (and Vista) look better. However, it can really slow Windows 7 down, especially if your computer can barely handle running Windows. The Aero user interface really taxes your graphics card and your CPU. If you need the extra speed boost, then it is not a bad idea to turn off Windows Aero. read more

Keyless Entry Systems: Lockitron Unlocks Doors with Smartphone Devices

Starting this year, several smartphone-controlled home-locking systems are scheduled to be released, a development that could soon make losing your keys never an issue. The public appears to have an appetite for such devices as proven by the successful crowdfunding campaign of Lockitron. The startup exceeded its funding goal by 1,000 percent in only a few days, according to LifeHacker. At $1.5 million and counting, people are pouring money towards the concept of a remotely locked home. Recently at German Innovation Award – FSB L700 Lighaccess Pro which is a smart lock won the award. This potentially demonstrates that globally different ways of locking doors are becoming a relevant issue. read more

Think Your Tablet Can’t Handle Demanding Applications? Think Again

The popularity of tablet PCs is rapidly increasing for a number of reasons. One has to do with portability. Another is related to interfaces that are effortless to use. Perhaps one of the more surprising reasons for this trend is the diverse number of ways a tablet can be used. Interestingly, many people on the go are taking their tablet instead of a laptop.

Tablets Becoming the Primary Computing Device

Those who think that tablets can’t handle demanding applications might be surprised to find out that their storage capacity and processing power rivals that of the laptops in the not so distant past and according to Forrester Research, tablets are poised to become the primary computing device within a few short years. They project sales of tablets to be 375 million annually by 2016 compared to 56 million in 2011. As the sales of tablets increase, many predict that laptop sales will decrease. Gartner is forecasting that tablets will outsell laptops and desktops combined by 2015. read more