In this post, we look at the best cloud storage for mobile. Sure, cloud storage is great for backup across devices, but if the service you’re using skimps on features such as security or customer service, you may as well just hand your smartphone to the next thief who wants your data. Cloud storage works by users uploading files to a distributed network of servers. Instead of manually syncing files among upgraded cell phones, desktop devices and other computers, you can log into the cloud service from any of these devices to get access to the files.
Author Archives: Dominic

Best List Of Video Cards – The Top 5 for Your Money
Updated: 4/3/2015
This post looks into the best list of video cards for the money compiled using the specs, prices, performance tests, and user reviews from sites like Amazon, Newegg, and Toms hardware. All 5 of the video cards on this list are solid cards, especially if you are a gamer.
I am sure any of us would love to go out and buy the $600 video card and just be done with it. However, most of us don’t have that kind of money. So, it is often best to look for the best bang for the buck. That is what this list tries to accomplish. Let’s dive right in.

iPad Missing Manual Paperback and eBook
So, I have had the chance to play around with the iPad, and iPad mini for that matter, quite a bit lately. Generally speaking, I think the iPad is quite user friendly and generally, pretty easy to use. However, there were still a few things I wasn’t sure how do to. I decided to pick up the eBook version of iPad: The Missing Manual from Amazon to see if I could improve on my iPad knowledge.
Not to spoil my whole review, but after a combination of skimming and reading of this book, I was really impressed. The first chapter or so is a great read for beginners. I like to consider myself more of a tech expert, so I was able to skim over this a bit. I could really see this being useful for novices to the iPad or Apple in general though.

Running Windows 7 on a Mac
Apple computers are solid all-around computers that come with a great OS, OS X. However, let’s face it, Windows is still the most used operating system right now. Due to this, there are many cases in which it would be helpful to run Windows on your MAC computer. Let’s take a look at a few ways that you can run Windows 7, or even Windows 8, on your MAC.
Install Windows with Boot Camp
If you have OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard or later, OS X v10.7 Lion or later, or Mountain Lion v10.8 you can use a program called Boot Camp to install Windows 7 on your MAC machine. Boot Camp is software included with OS X Lion and Mountain Lion so you can run compatible versions of Microsoft Windows on an Intel-based Mac.

Replacing Your Voice SIM card with 3G: Why Should You?
For most users, getting a smartphone implies upgrading their voice SIM card with a data package. That’s quite natural, since a smartphone without Internet is comparable to carrying around a colorful, but ultimately boring stone brick. Granted, you can always hunt for a Wi-Fi connection… but let’s face it, that’s something that only teenagers do. If you’re a grown up working person who’s always on the go, you probably won’t always have time and patience to hunt down for free Wi-Fi hotspots when you need to access the Internet.