Author Archives: Dominic

Disruptive Technologies – Shaking up our Lives

Disruptive technology sounds like a bad thing. Something that causes a problem, rather than offers solutions to modern challenges. But disruption can sometimes be a good thing. It can force change onto a static situation that propels us forward. In technological terms, disruption is often a force for good, rather than bad. So how could disruptive technology shake up our lives?

A brief history of Disruptive Technology

The term ‘disruptive technology’ was first coined back in 1997 in a book called ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma’ by Professor Clayton M Christensen. In this context, he used the term to refer to any type of technology that effectively displaced or challenged the conventional methodology of the time. He categorized technology into two types; that which sustains and that which challenges or disrupts. Sustained technology is gradual change driven in increments and harvested from existing technology. It tends to play it safe. read more

Hard Drive Format 101: a non-Techie DIY Guide

Out of all the reasons why people call up on a computer technician, formatting a hard drive is probably one of the most common. Out of all the typical issues that will bog down the performance of a computer, many can be fixed by formatting the hard drive and reinstalling the Operating System.

Regardless of the scenario above, the overwhelming majority of inexperienced computer users still don’t quite know how to go about formatting their hard drives and reinstalling their OS. That’s such a shame! You don’t have to spend any money to get this task done, and it doesn’t take more than a couple of hours; in fact you can even set things up so that next time the computer will just reformat itself (check the last section of this guide to see how). read more

Contest Winner: G400 Mouse

The winner has been selected for the g400 mouse contest. The winner is….

Roy Lawton

Congratulations to Roy! I will be sending you an email shortly.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and stay tuned for future giveaways

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Tips to Ensure Your Android Won’t Run Out of Battery Too Fast

If you reach out to happy Android phone users worldwide and ask them what is the biggest shortcoming of their phone – 90% of people will likely mutter “battery autonomy”.

Whereas with cell phones of a few years back users were accustomed to running for several days on a single charge… most Android smartphones will likely require a daily charge to stay functional. And that isn’t entirely linear either: depending on what you do with your phone, you can burn through a full charge in fewer than 5 or 6 hours! read more

Best CPU Coolers for Overclocking – The Top 5!

If you are trying to get the most out of your CPU via overclocking, then you know how important it is to keep the CPU temperatures as low as possible. Most times, the stock heat sink that came with your CPU can be upgraded to a better heat sink. By upgrading your heat sink, you can lower your stock CPU temps and give yourself a much better chance to achieve greater gains when it comes to overclocking. There are quite a few solid coolers on the market today, so deciding on one can be tough. Lets take a look at a few of the best CPU coolers for overclocking. read more